Friday, 31 August 2007

Thank God For Annual Leave!

Two weeks off! Starting now! I'm not going anywhere just decorating the nursery for littleun for when it arrives. I haven't had a proper holiday since our honeymoon in Mexico two years ago but any rest is good rest.

Today was wind down day. I wasn't going to be particularly hunting down paperwork unless I really had to. We don't have fancy teams of case builders, we have to do all the file prep ourselves. Then the powers that be wonder why we aren't pulling in the figures we're supposed to each month and also wonder why we're not out in the vehicle but sat in front of a computer screen instead. We can't win!

There were only a few shouts today, nothing worth mentioning really. One funny thing happened though was the local pirate DVD seller lost about 100 DVDs because I happened to pass him just as he was selling them. When I asked him where they were I saw a group of kids standing by a bin. I went over and it was full of them! You should have seen his face when I confiscated the lot! I said to him "Well, I take it you don't want them as they're all in the bin?" He didn't say a word, his jaw hit the floor and was just pointing to them as I put them in the back of the motor. They were all Bollywood titles, God knows how much it's going to cost him to replace them!

We had a group of officers from another local force come into the nick today, looking at transferring to us. We lost about six ourselves from our nick recently via transfer. The grass isn't always greener on the other side I say and been proved right on many occasions. One mate of mine found it really stressful being in a new force and wants to come back but unfortunately he's burnt his bridges as he slagged our force off. The top bods at FHQ heard about it and now he's been put on the back burner and the only offer to come back was one of less than popular squads which many are trying their hardest to get off.

This has been a hectic week. What with Notting Hill Carnival last weekend, my shoulders are only just recovering after wearing that body armour and Custodian stood there for two very long days! Thankfully it was pretty uneventful for me. The last time I was there we had a near riot! Then they wanted to place me on officer protection training for two days straight after! Two days of a solid beasting after standing around for all that time would have finished me off. I wish they would think about these training dates when organising them!

We ended up having to arrest a 61 year old woman yesterday who was wanted on warrant. For someone so small she certainly had a lot to say! She was wanted for failing to appear at court for an arrest my mate, who I was with made back in June. She was evil! She bit, spat, punched, kicked, shouted vial abuse and yet people who gathered round could see this happening yet, we were the ones who were causing her trouble! People took down our numbers, one woman made a point of stopping people passing by and showing them what was going on! She then wanted to know why we were arresting her. I politely told her that it was of no concern of hers but she said "Many black people die in custody!" I said to her "I'm NOT in the habit of killing people no matter what colour they are!"

Why can't people just mind their own business? She could see the chaos this woman was causing but as far as she was concerned, it was us that was causing it! Too many people these days interfere where they shouldn't. Our job is hard enough and dangerous enough as it is with out people sticking their unwanted noses in. Ok so, she had the concern for the welfare of this woman on her mind. I've no problem with that. What I do have a problem with, is people telling us what we should be doing and we shouldn't be arresting them or because of a persons skin colour they assume that we are going to treat them different or worse, hurt them!

....I will say this once and once only, I don't judge any person differently whether they are of a different race, gender, sexual preference, age or social background.