Saturday 5 February 2011

No Surrender!

If I don't hear that song sung for a long long time it'll be too soon!

I've been covering the movement of the EDL (English Defence League) protest in Luton or as the media and others call them "fascists" "'Nazis" "Anti Islamists" "far right" etc etc, well, you get the picture.

Now I'm all up for protesting what ever your cause as it's your democratic right. What I can't stand are those that turn up to fight each other and that's all they want to do.

The UAF (Unite Against Fascism) who claim they stand up against the far right usually turn up when the EDL are protesting to counter their demonstration.

The media and others call them "far left" "pinkies" "tree huggers" "soap dodgers" etc etc again, you get the picture.

Both groups are normally penned in separate areas to pretty much throw their chants and usually other things at each other.

Throw in a few more groups that turn up who hate each other and you can imagine the results.

"Very much like football hooligans" I hear you say, and you would be right as many are from football "risk groups" who like to fight.

In the majority both groups usually (apart from some of the chants) behave reasonably well. (as well as they can)

However a small minority think it great fun to throw fireworks, bricks, chairs, pretty much anything that isn't bolted down and if it is, they may rip it up and throw that as well.

Some morons were arrested for smashing up the trains and coaches on the way to the protest or for offensive weapons (our bloke had an extendable cosh and wouldn't come quietly which resulted in a roll around and leg restraints being (untidy) used)

The chants were not really up to the standard of the amusing ones you generally get to hear at football matches and they became intolerable after a while.

What amazed all of us was the sudden ending to the demonstration way before schedule and the extreme quiet as they ALL returned.

We were even thanked for us being there and they claimed it was a success because of our presence.

I even managed to crack a few jokes with some from both sides yet these were the same people who only a short time before, were throwing things at us and each other.

It was eerie.

The main thing was I managed to get stood down 2 hours early so I got to see my daughter before she went to bed.

The other thing was, we all returned home safe!