Well, it's Budget day today and we have experienced the usual "Robbing of Peter to pay Paul"
There was a mention of public sector pensions and George Osborne accepts Hutton's review of the pensions contributions.
I guess that means it's going ahead and we're all doomed.
Well, the government are claiming we are living longer and therefore contributions must rise to accommodate the short fall but what with everything else on the increase, inflation, food costs, job loses and fuel rising who would want to live longer?
Oh wait, fuel increase has been frozen. Well hallelujah, we are saved! There was me thinking that we had the most expensive fuel costs on earth and there is Osborne stopping the 1p increase until at least 2012.
The problem is, it's not 1p, it's 1 penny plus VAT and 1 pence above inflation so you will not find your fuel pumps only going up by 1p.
I finally received my letter today from my local MP to whom I wrote with regards to the Winsor and Hutton reports. The letter I received was not impressive. But what do I expect from a Tory fat cat who is probably claiming for two houses and a moat to be regularly maintained whilst her husband sits and watches porn all at our expense (allegedly)
The letter which she could have sent via Twitter,as it was that short, basically stated that Winsor has to find cuts in the police service and during these hard times we all have to take a large bite of the shit sandwich kindly brought to us by those wearing Gordon Gekko braces, drinking coffee somewhere in one of the City's banks.
As for the pensions, well, sorry but once again, we are all having to save and this is the best way (apparently) to make cuts.
I am going to reply in a similar manner and suggest they freeze Parliamentry expenses for MP's for the next 5 years as that will save a fortune in public money being wasted and see how she responds to that.
After all, Ken Clarke was being paid a small fortune today and yet he fell asleep during the Budget. And Yes I can say he did fall asleep and no allegedly too, as it was noticed by Ed Milliband, TV cameras, The Telegraph and bookies who have paid out at 16/1.
If they dock him pay for the length of time he was asleep during PMQ's and Budgets there would be enough to run a hospital for a year.
I ask you, what other career can you be paid and sleep during your shift?
....Ok, who said "Fire Fighter" ? Right, Get out!
This Saturday sees a demonstration in London TUC, Unison etc with regards to the cuts. I bet many of us that are policing it would actually like to be there protesting with them, I know I want to be but I'm having to make sure that Whitehall doesn't end up looking like Tripoli after dark if the idiots who ruined the Student protests turn up again.
So if you are attending, please play nicely people. Get your point across and leave without destroying anything. Remember that there are others who are looking after your demonstration who agree with everything you're demonstrating about. The main differences being, we can't voice it on Saturday and we can't go on strike.
Problem is, with fuel prices soaring, cost of train fares rising beyond a joke etc etc
.....Who's going to be able to afford to actually go?
Wednesday, 23 March 2011
Stand and Deliver!
Posted by
Response Plod
Labels: Budget, Bureaucracy, demonstrations, government, Hutton Report, Pensions, protests, Winsor Report
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